Closing Day is October 15th, thank you for a great season!

Welcome to The Links of North Dakota, one of Americas most authentic Links Style golfing experiences, nestled upon the bluffs overlooking Lake Sakakawea. The Links of North Dakota has frequently been recognized as the #1 Golf Course in North Dakota by Golfweek and Golf Digest and the 2nd most affordable golf course on their Top 100 lists!

For more information about the golf course, tee times or group outings, please contact our GM/Head Golf Professional,

Zach McArthur, PGA at (701) 609-0283 or via email at

He will be happy to assist in answering any questions or inquiries you may have.

Drone Flyovers

Golf Course Update 9/1/2024

1st Hole Renovation:

Green – As many of you know, the green on hole 1 faced some challenges with weed growth recently. We’ve tackled this head-on by removing the weeds and giving the green the attention it needed. To support the recovery and enhance overall health, we’ve applied a topdressing of a 70/30 sand-to-soil mix. This blend is designed to boost seed germination, improve soil structure, and push the already established turf to new heights.

Fairway – The fairway is also seeing great progress. Our dedicated maintenance team has been working diligently to ensure that it meets the high standards we all expect. The improvements are making a noticeable difference, and we’re confident that these efforts will provide a superior playing experience. 

Future – We’ll continue to monitor the green and fairway closely, making adjustments as needed to ensure optimal conditions. Our goal is to provide a top-notch experience for all of our golfers. We appreciate your patience and support as we work to improve our course. Your enthusiasm and feedback are vital to our success. 

NOTICE – As tempting as it is, please refrain from hitting shots into the new green. For the long-term health of the turf, it is imperative for this bentgrass seed to develop a deep, strong root structure prior to going into dormancy for the winter months. 

Irrigation Project Update:

We’re excited to share some fantastic news with you! Our recent irrigation project, designed to enhance our watering efficiency and resilience, is now complete and running smoothly.

Project Success – The new irrigation system is up and running as planned. The installation process was completed ahead of schedule, and we’ve been thoroughly impressed with its performance so far.

Exceptional Performance – Despite the ongoing heat and dry conditions, the irrigation system has been operating flawlessly. Our turf is thriving thanks to the precise and efficient water delivery, which has allowed us to maintain optimal moisture levels and reduce water waste.

Future Outlook – We’re optimistic about the continued success of this project. As the system adapts to seasonal changes, we’re confident it will help us navigate future weather challenges while sustaining great playing conditions. 

Final Walk-Through:

Final Adjustments – Our final walk-through with Hernado was highly productive. The Landscapes Unlimited team has made the necessary final adjustments to the irrigation system, ensuring that every corner of our course receives optimal water coverage. 

New Irrigation Heads – We’ve installed 33 additional irrigation heads across the course. This upgrade is designed to enhance water distribution and efficiency, supporting the health of our greens and fairways. 

Nursery Green – The construction of the new nursery green, located left of hole 14 in the native area, is progressing smoothly. This addition will serve as a valuable resource for maintaining and improving our course’s turf quality.


All our best,

The Links of North Dakota

Golf Course Update 8/1/2024

1st Hole Renovation:

After months of working through architectural renderings, sod cutting, grading, shaping, laying drainage tile, setting new sprinkler heads and seeding, our remodeled first green has taken shape and is starting to sprout some grass! Follow along with the entire process using the pictures included below. NOTICE – As tempting as it is, please refrain from hitting shots into the new green. For the long term health of the turf, it is imperative for this bentgrass seed to develop a deep, strong root structure prior to going into dormancy for the winter months.

Irrigation Project Update:

Landscapes Unlimited has completed holes 1-13 with both main and lateral lines for our new irrigation system. The order we’ll be completing the lateral line project on the remaining holes will be 16, 14, 15, 17 and 18. After the completion of all of the holes on the golf course, Landscapes will head to the driving range to set lateral lines and hook-up the transfer line, giving us the ability to run well water through our booster pump to fill the holding pond on the hill. They will also be plumbing irrigation lines behind the cart barn in preparation for a future Punch Bowl Putting Green. Our final push for the project will be taking place over the next 4-5 weeks with an anticipated finishing date between the last week of August and the first week of September. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.


All our best,

The Links of North Dakota

Golf Course Update 7/1/2024

The irrigation project is moving along smoothly considering all the rain we have been receiving. The pump station is up and running and the liner of the irrigation pond has been extended to hold more water. Soon a fence will be going up to keep animals and people away from the pond for safety reasons. The main line is 99% done. The remainder will be completed at the end of the project when they tie the new system over into the driving range. Holes 6 & 7 lateral lines are complete and Landscapes is hoping to complete holes 4 & 5 this week as well. We project that 2 holes will be completed give or take per week. The lateral lines are anticipated to be completed at the end of August and by mid September, Landscapes should have everything buttoned up. We will be seeding areas in fairways, tees, roughs and greens. The holes that we will be aerating and seeding will have slightly different playing conditions compared to the rest of the golf course, but we are working to keep everything as consistent as possible for our patrons. We are extending approaches and fairways as we go along to bring more bentgrass to areas for playability, more shot options and a cleaner, more appealing look. Please feel free to ask any questions or bring any concerns to Gustavo or Zach.


Hole 18 Bunker Work

Our grounds crew renovated 2 of the greenside bunkers right of the 18th green. This process began with sod cutting out the areas that had grown into the bunker line throughout the years. They then went in with the skid steer to remove all of the old material that was not allowing for any drainage to take place. After that, they rough shaped and smoothed everything before coming in with the plate compactor to develop a sturdy base before backfilling with drainage gravel and the bunker sand.


All our best,

The Links of North Dakota

Golf Course Update 6/17/2024

The irrigation project is going as smooth as it can and the Landscapes Unlimited team is moving along nicely. Main line installation should be completed by the end of next week. The crews are coming down holes 11 & 10 then back up to 8 and down 9 which is the final hole to be finished. The new pump station was installed June 7th. The installation of the new pump went great and now the electrical is hooked up to the brains of the system as well. We will have Watertronics coming out 6/17 – 6/20 to ensure the pump is running properly and communicating with the entire system. If the pump is up and running as intended, by next week Landscapes Unlimited will start lateral lines. When laterals start, that hole will be closed until completion. The agronomy team will aerate the entire hole (green, fairway, tees and rough) to seed weak areas while each hole is closed down for the lateral line construction. We will be introducing a new bentgrass variety on the playing surfaces as we aerate greens and fairways. The variety is called 007 XL. It is considered by agronomists to be the most drought and cold resistant variety of bentgrass on the market. We will also be spreading gypsum to help flush out the soil with the new irrigation.

We did find a viable sand to fill our bunkers in hopes of providing better consistency in green-side bunkers throughout the golf course. For a few more weeks, there will be a possibility of having 1-3 holes closed. We will continue to communicate with everyone to the best of our ability. Hole 1 construction will begin the week of 6/17 and will hopefully be completed in 1-2 weeks. It is crucial when completed to please refrain from hitting any golf shots at the new green. The remodeled hole 1 will not be available until next year so we can properly grow in the turf to ensure it has time to mature before going into winter dormancy. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Zach at or via cell at

(701) 609-0283.


All our best,

The Links of North Dakota

Golf Course Update 5/20/2024

1. The transfer line from our current well to the holding pond has been completed.

2. The holding pond liner has been installed and the pump house pad will be poured early this week.

3. We will begin to fill the holding pond this week.

4. The main line irrigation loop around holes 14-16 has been completed.

5. Landscapes will begin trenching and laying the main line between holes 8 & 13 and continuing down and between holes 4 & 5 this week.

6. Our 2 wire electrical lines will be run from the main line on hole 18 to the driving range and down to the maintenance shop to connect to power.

Opening Day for Members will be May 23rd – No guest play will be permitted prior to us opening to the public. No exceptions will be made so please plan accordingly.

Opening Day for Public Play will be June 1st – Upon this time, the course will be open to all patrons.

Hole Closures: Please check with the Pro Shop Staff prior to your round for the latest updates on which hole(s) is/are closed so they can provide you with the day’s appropriate routing.

Marking Flags/Local Rules: Please refrain from moving any marking flags on the golf course upon our opening for play. These flags are marking current electrical, fiberoptic and water lines for the Landscapes Unlimited team to know where is safe to dig and where to avoid. If you find your golf ball near a marking flag, trench line or other questionable area, please refer to rule 16.1 (Ground Under Repair) which will allow for a free drop within 1 club length from your nearest point of complete relief from the obstruction, no closer to the hole. All other local rules, regulations, posting standards and hole closures/modifications will be available in the Pro Shop prior to your round.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our GM/Head Golf Professional, Zach McArthur, at or via cell phone at (701) 609-0283. 

All our best,

The Links of North Dakota Team

Golf Course Update 5/4/2024

We are happy to provide an update on the progress that we are seeing with our irrigation project along with a tentative anticipated opening day.

The Landscapes Unlimited team has been hard at work trenching double main lines in the native grass to the right of hole 18 and flagging/setting GPS coordinates on the first 9 holes they’ll be working on (5,6,7,8,14,15,16,17,18). They are currently approaching hole 18’s tee boxes with the trencher. From there, they will move towards hole 14 and split off with one team trenching to the new holding pond and the other trenching the main line loop for holes (8,14,15 & 16). This process will tentatively be completed during the week of 5/20. Though it will be tempting, please refrain from interrupting the Landscapes contractors while they’re working as it will just delay their progress and slow down the eventual completion of the project.

Our progress on the completion of the wet well & lining the pond has been delayed with the recent rains. As soon as the weather allows the crew to complete the process without getting equipment stuck, they will do so.

Our course maintenance team has fertilizer on the entire golf course, wall to wall, and will get a wetting agent sprayed early this week to ensure we’re getting the most out of our current irrigation system. They are also tending to some winterkill areas with sod from sections of hole #1 that will not be used this season.

As of now, our anticipated opening day for MEMBERS ONLY will be 5/23. This is subject to change based on any possible delays the Landscapes team may encounter. The driving range will not open prior to the course opening for play.

Our ownership & management team would like to host an educational event for MEMBERS ONLY on 5/22 at 3:00pm to lead you around the golf course, discuss the progress of the project, and show you what’s taking place at this time to answer any questions you may have in a controlled environment. We will also be hosting a welcome back dinner following our time spent together on the course.

NON-MEMBERS – We will plan to host a similar event upon opening for public play which is tentatively scheduled for the 1st week of June. The specifics of this educational opportunity will be announced at a later date.

Marking Flags/Local Rules: Please refrain from moving any marking flags on the golf course upon the golf course opening for play. These flags are marking current electrical, fiberoptic and water lines for the Landscapes Unlimited team to know where is safe to dig and where to avoid. If you find your golf ball near a marking flag, trench line or other questionable area, please refer to rule 16.1 (Ground Under Repair) which will allow for a free drop within 1 club length from your nearest point of complete relief from the obstruction, no closer to the hole.

All other local rules, regulations, posting standards and hole closures/modifications will be available in the Pro Shop prior to your round.

Our new Yamaha cart fleet has arrived and has been assembled by the Yamaha service team. With the arrival of our new cart fleet, every cart must be returned to the golf shop staff upon the completion of your round. No carts will be allowed to stay in the RV Park or at the Cabins. We will be parking the entire fleet inside every evening to protect the bodies, windshields and seats from the wear and tear they experience being exposed to the elements of Northwest North Dakota. Failure to comply with this rule could result in the loss of your golf cart use privileges at The Links.

Again, the stated timing is “best case scenario”, and is subject to change based on weather and any further delays the Landscapes Unlimited crew may experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our GM/Head Golf Professional, Zach McArthur at or via cell phone at (701) 609-0283.

All our best,

The Links of North Dakota Team